New USB Product – The Big Clip

Lending itself to big dramatic logo presentations. Store both your digital files and your paper based information securely with our new USB drive. The Big Clip USB comes in all the standard USB capacities and can be customized on both sides. The drive comes in a multitude of colors and features a plastic body making … Read more

USB Bracelet – Storage Gets Blingy ?

Looking to add a little flash to your data storage? Today we released a brand new flash USB drive that features blingy style  in a downright convenient package. The Creative USB Blingy Bracelet it the perfect way to take your data with you in style. Stop worrying about where you left your flash drive.  Put … Read more

Custom Printed USB OTG Drives

Tablets and mobile phones are now the dominant force in personal computing. These connected devices make accessing your data anywhere you want a breeze. They are especially adept at chewing through small manageable data. One shortcoming albeit very miniscule is the ability to transfer large data effectively. Rather than chew through my limited AT&T data … Read more

Google Chrome as a portable app

Another of the many reasons to love USB flash drives is that you can also install Google Chrome on them for ultimate portability. With the release of Google Chrome Portable (or actually, Google Chrome Portable 17.0.963.83 Stable), fans of Chrome can make any computer their own with a USB drive.  As with all portable apps, … Read more

A better USB survival tool

Some time ago Victorinox, the Swiss Army Knife people, in recognition that the USB flash drive is practically a survival tool, added a USB flash drive to their famous, portable multi-tool set. But that was then. Now it’s a new day for Victorinox as they launch an even better USB drive. Well actually, they launched … Read more

USB 3.0 will soon rule

Generally when we refer to USB technology here, we’re talking about the USB flash drive, its endless array of shapes, sizes and capacities, as well as its uses. We also often discuss portable applications that allow better portability, functionality and security with USB drives. But today’s news is all about the USB port which by … Read more

Some very sharp USB drives

A Swiss Army Knife with a USB flash drive is nothing new, but at CES 2011 the folks at Victorinox Swiss Army unveiled even more USB flash drives in their tool sets. By now the USB drive has quite possibly surpassed most of those other tools in terms of common usage anyway. The Slim, Slim … Read more

USB promo drives: Erasable or not

It’s not always the biggest decision on any given day but it’s something worth considering. When you add your promotional message to be launched from a USB flash drive, should you allow your message to be erasable or not? If the client can erase your message, chances the USB drive will be around longer but … Read more